ADCURIS presenterar stolt Katarzyna Daniszewska, Medevac Team Commander Polen. Hon talar i sitt seminarie om lärdomarna från sitt arbete som medevac och hanteringen av prehospitala trauman i Ukraina. Hon går igenom evakuering, traumavård och logistik av skadade – och att arbeta som måltavla

Katarzyna är vicepresident för Awangarda Foundation, talare på DiMiMED2023 och mottagit tapperhetsmedalj från Polens President Andrzej Duda.

Från The US Sun den 21 April 2024;

“Katarzyna, 37, is the commander of “Awangarda” – a highly-skilled, battle-hardened crew of over 25 volunteer medics operating in the blood-drenched Donbas region, eastern Ukraine.

They are based frighteningly close to the enemy not in the “zero zone, but the fire zone” – a second frontline where “we are being shot at and targeted a lot of the time,” she said. Since the start of the full-scale invasion, her unit has worked tirelessly to provide a lifeline for smaller Ukrainian battalions that are struggling with the butcher’s bill.

“We joined those that couldn’t handle the evacuation and medical support they needed we joined,” Katarzyna told The Sun.

Her carefully selected crack team – mostly made up of Polish doctors and paramedics, but a few Brits might soon join their ranks – has now saved “thousands” of people.

“We don’t know how many exactly we’ve saved, we stopped counting after a year, we don’t care about numbers, because every person for us is a face. It’s a human being whose life we saved.”

For over two years, they’ve been embedded inside Ukrainian units on a constant rotation – crossing bomb-blitzed terrain as they desperately try to keep soldiers alive long enough to make it to a frontline hospital.

“We pushed our way into those units, gave them ourselves and they know that they can trust us fully, and we can trust them,” she said.

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ADCURIS DEMODAGAR erbjuder ett unikt seminarieprogram och våra leverantörer på plats visar produkter och lösningar för civil och militär beredskap som masshantering av skadade, NATO-anpassade logistiklösningar, stort visningsområde för fältgrupperade tältsystem, prehospitala sjukvårdsprodukter, produkter för hela blodkedjan inklusive kylar och värmare samt fältsterilisering mm mm.


onsdag 24 APRIL KL. 14.00
torsdag 25 APRIL KL. 08.30 frukostseminarie

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